Social Care

Some disabled children and their parents will need practical support both inside the home and outside it. Local authorities have a legal responsibility to help families with disabled children. 

Social care is a term that generally describes all forms of personal care and other practical assistance for children, young people and adults who need extra support. This often brings together services from the local authority and the health authority.

It also includes support for when things go wrong or when families are not coping, children and young people are in care and those whose education is monitored and supported by the Virtual School.

Milton Keynes Local Offer has information about Social Care Services and provision for children and young people with SEN or disabilities. The charity Contact (for families with disabled children) have extensive information about social care.

In this section you will find information on following topics:

Support in MK

Support for children includes:

There is an adult social care service which includes:

Other areas Adult Social Care covers include: dementia, mental capacity, mental health and help to return home after hospital. Please go to the Adult Social Care Hub for further information.

Support for parents/ carers includes:

Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) – Section D & H

Children and young people with SEND may also require support from the social care services. They can provide a wide range of support such as practical assistance in the home, respite care and short breaks, home adaptations, travel and other assistance.  

If the child or young person has an EHCP, this may cover their social care needs relating to their SEN or to a disability. Section D on an EHCP will detail child or young person's social care needs which relate to their SEND. Section H will contain any provision required from social services under the section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (CSDPA) and/or reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in the child or young person having SEN.

Appealing to the SEND Tribunal: As a part of the National Trial parents and young people can request recommendations about the social care needs and provision specified in EHC plans. The Tribunal can make non-binding recommendations with an expectation they will be followed. If they are not going to be followed then the LA (for social care) will need to write to the parents/young person and Tribunal within 5 weeks of the decision, explaining why they have decided not to follow the recommendations.


Preparing for Adult Life - Transition guide by PACA MK, written for parent by parents. 

The NHS provide a helpful explanation about moving from children’s social care to adult’s social care

In Milton Keynes information on Transition can be found on the SEND Local Offer and Adult Social Care Hub.

For young people who do not have an allocated worker in the Children with Disabilities Team, a specific worker based in the team will review all students with a EHC plan who are in current Year 9.  The purpose of this is to assess if the young person will be eligible for an assessment of needs from Adult Social Care Services. This is to support a smooth transition from child to adulthood. The transition process from children's to adults is on SEND Local Offer. Contact’s booklet on Services and Support from your Local Authority is helpful.  There is a top tips section on page 14.

A video created by the King’s Fund on What is social care and how does it work – this focuses on adult social care.

Benefits and Support for families with SEND children

Money Matters guide outlines all the financial help parents of disabled children may be entitled to.

Carer's Allowance is money for people who spend at least 35 hours a week providing regular care to someone who has a disability.

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children may help with extra costs to look after a child who has a disability or health condition. Milton Keynes Centre for Integrated Living (MKCIL) can help with form filling for first time applicants of DLA for children.

Disability Grants for children, young people and families. 

Cinema Card enables a disabled cinema guest to receive a complimentary ticket for someone to go with them when they visit a participating cinema.

Disabled Person's Bus Pass holders are entitled to free off-peak travel on local buses anywhere in England.

Disabled persons railcard holders can get 1/3 off rail fares to travel across Britain.


Most of the times any disagreements can be resolved by discussion and informal forms of dispute resolution. However, sometimes parents of children with SEN and young people may need to take further action and make a formal complaint.